Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

For Sale: Gecko or "Tokek Dinding Bintik Merah"

All of us know that Gecko has so many benefits for our body. This reptile can be a medicine for many kinds of diseases.

Gecko or "Tekok Dinding Bintik Merah" 

The characteristics of this gecko: it has some red spots on its body and likes to paste itself to the wall.
The length of this Gecko is 39 cm.
The price: US$ 1,540,000
Location: Banjarmasin, South Borneo, Indonesia.

If you are interested to buy this Gecko, you can contact me at:
Phone: +6287814320650
line: dezsishe

Note: I will not delivery this gecko to you, but you have to come to Banjarmasin first to take this gecko because it needs special attentions to take care of it.

Thanks a lot for your attention.
100% trusted.